
Malvasia delle Lipari DOC

The name of this wine comes from Monemvasia, a Greek town in the southern Peloponnese. According to other versions, the term instead derives from Malta, where the production originally began. The Romans transported the Malvasia in amphorae to the capital, where the emperors were fond of it. In the Middle Ages, Malvasia spread to England, and soon throughout Europe. Malvasia is a grape variety and one of the oldest, together with Moscato.
In the Aeolian version, in particular from Salina, the vine gives a nice amber wine with a sweet taste.
Malvasia delle Lipari DOC, with 95% of production concentrated in Salina, is a sweet wine that comes from drying the grapes. Once harvested, the malvasia grapes are put on “ cannizze ” and left to dry for 1 or 2 weeks under the sun.
uva di malvasia
This way, the grape loses most of its water and increases its sugar residue. The grapes are then pressed and left to ferment. The result is a sweet but fresh wine that is not cloying, with an amber colour and alcohol content between 13 and 15 percent. Malvasia is enjoyed cool so it is best kept in the fridge before serving.
In cooking, this wine is used as is, accompanied by desserts, but also more creatively, for example combined with stuffed squid.

The Thermal Baths of Saint Calogerus

The salt lake of Lingua

Panarea and its history

The polis of the living and the necropolis of the dead

Alicudi, where time has stood still

Lipari Castle, “fused” with the lava

Lipari, where history intertwines with volcanoes to create archaeology

The 2002-03 eruption

Panarea, where sea and volcanoes become sculptors

The senses tell The Village of Capo Graziano

Seven islands, dozens of volcanoes

The senses tell The salt lake of Lingua

The senses tell The Pumice Quarries of Lipari

How pumice is formed

Vulcano, the youngest of the Aeolian works of art

“Vulcanian” eruptions

Malvasia delle Lipari DOC

The Sciara del Fuoco

Myths and legends about volcanoes

The Gran Cratere of the Fossa: when the volcano becomes a sculptor

Filicudi, a submerged paradise

The senses tell The Sciara del Fuoco

The Aeolian Islands, where volcanology was born

Filicudi: small island, big history

Where do Vulcano’s gases come from?

Salina, the green island with twin mountains

“Strombolian” activity in the place where its definition was born

The malleability of Vulcano’s mud

The senses tell The summit craters

At the heart of trade in history

The underwater morphological elements of the Aeolian Islands

Stromboli, the volcano that breathes

The summit craters

The pure white of the pumice quarries

Tsunamis: a not uncommon phenomenon in Stromboli

The prehistoric village of Cala Junco

Stories of the sea and shipwrecks. The wrecks of the Aeolian Islands

The ancient production of salt

The underwater fumarolic activity of Lisca Bianca

The hidden part of the Aeolian Islands

The stacks of Panarea

Between brush strokes of sulphur and clouds of steam: the fumaroles of the port of Vulcano

The Cathedral of Lipari and the Norman Cloister of the Benedictine Monastery

The senses tell The Stacks of Panarea

Lipari at the centre of Mediterranean history

Volcanoes as a natural art form

The Village of Capo Graziano

Pollara, between poetry and beauty