The Neapolis

Nature in Neapolis

The archaeological remains in the Neapolis park are immersed in a rich and fragrant landscape.
A flourishing vegetation completes the magical atmosphere of this place!
Evergreen plants typical of the Mediterranean such as olive trees, Mediterranean cypresses, pines, date palms and ficus live side by side with fragrant citrus trees, especially orange and lemon.
A characteristic fruit of the park is the pomegranate .
In fact, the area where the Roman Amphitheatre is located was called “la fossa dei granati”, the garnet pit, because of the abundance of these fruit trees that grew around it.
The pomegranate has been considered a fruit connected to Mother Earth since the antiquity.


Nature in Neapolis

A journey to Pantalica

Neapolis and the water element. The Nymphaeum

The Neapolis

Pantalica and water: the Myth of the Anapo River

Neapolis and the earth element. Places of performance: the Greek theatre and the Roman amphitheatre

Pantalica and fire. The Metal Age: objects from the culture of Pantalica

Giudecca and air. The Basilica of San Giovannello

Pantalica and the earth element

Pantalica and air. The skies of Pantalica: from hawks to bats

Ortygia and the earth element. Piazza del Duomo: discovering the origins.

The interior of the Cathedral of Syracuse

Giudecca and water. The ritual baths: the Casa Bianca mikveh

Neapolis and fire. The Altar of Hieron and the sacrificial fire

Ortygia and water. The Fountain of Arethusa

Ortygia and the air element. The Gods of Olympus and the Temple of Apollo.

The Cathedral of Syracuse


The naumachiae: naval battles at the theatre

Giudecca and fire. Cooking and the Jewish religion

Neapolis and the air element. The Ear of Dionysius

Ortygia and fire. Archimedes and the invention of the burning mirrors

The fountain of Diana in Piazza Archimede

Giudecca and the earth element. Between gardens and artisan workshops