According to legend, when the Virgin appeared to William in a dream, she said: “In the place where you are sleeping is hidden the greatest treasure in the world: dig it up and build a temple in my honour.” Having spoken these words, she disappeared, but the king immediately ordered the carob tree where he was resting to be dug up and uprooted. A priceless treasure of gold coins was brought to light, immediately destined for the construction of the Monreale Cathedral. William’s dream is included in Archbishop Francesco Testa’s book, printed in 1769 and entitled De vita et rebus gestits Gullelmi II Siciliae Regis. The treasure that William used for Monreale and the expedient of the dream are linked to the new buildings that the Norman monarchy financed in opposition to the choices of the central government which wanted to limit, by centralising power, the privileges of the aristocrats and ecclesiastics who held vast fiefs. The area of Monreale was also strategically positioned, making it ideal for controlling and suppressing possible Arab revolts, whose strongholds, such as Entella and Jato, were located inland to the south.