28 Oct 2020


The calidarium or caldarium was the smallest and most intimate area of the thermal bath complex; round or quadrangular in shape, with hot water pools for several guests or even individuals. The room was positioned on the warmer sides, from east to south, to make the most of the sun’s heat. In the...
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28 Oct 2020

Aedicula of Venus

The structure is part of the two rooms juxtaposed to the thermal bath complex and built to allow access to the baths from outside, directly from the porticoed courtyard. The small apsidal hall is equipped with three openings: the first entry from the porticoed courtyard, the second to access the la...
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28 Oct 2020


The salutatio indicates the act of greeting and, by extension, visiting or offering a gift In its simplest meaning, it represents the morning greeting that the dominus or pater familias received from the clientes. The latter generally represented all people of lower rank who exercised a form of rev...
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28 Oct 2020


The salutatio indicates the act of greeting and, by extension, visiting or offering a gift. In its simplest meaning, it represents the morning greeting, received by the Dominus or the pater familias, expressed with the simple phrase Ave or Ave Dominus....
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28 Oct 2020


The clients generally represented all people of lower rank, who exercised a form of reverence towards their patron. Clients would go to the domus or villa of the Dominus early in the morning for the salutatio, a token of their respect and act of obedience and submission, to obtain the benevolence o...
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28 Oct 2020

Porticoed latrine

The room, for public use, located outside the porticoed courtyard with access from the Aedicula of Venus, is placed at a lower level than the floor of the courtyard. The latrine is preceded by a small entrance antechamber, easily accessible from the thermal baths area, used by its visitors, who woul...
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28 Oct 2020

Ionic style

The Ionic style is the second of the three main orders of classical architecture, after Doric and before Corinthian. Ionic columns, placed on a moulded base, are slender and fluted, reaching a maximum height of ten times the base diameter. The Ionic capital is flattened with a flattened abacus abo...
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28 Oct 2020

Triumphal arch

A triumphal arch, also called an arch of triumph, is a parallelepiped piece of architecture with the characteristics of a monumental gate in the form of an arc. It was usually built to celebrate a victory in war and the related triumph of the Dux or Imperator. This tradition was born in Rome and dev...
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28 Oct 2020


Adventus, which means “arrival”, specifically indicates an imperial visit to a city. It was a solemn event, governed by a precise ceremonial code for all citizens, who would express their assent to the emperor and encounter a sense of their collective identity. In the microcosm of the late anti...
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28 Oct 2020

Constantius II

Flavius Julius Constantius, better known as Constantius II, was appointed by his father Constantine the Great, as emperor subordinate to an augustus. In 337 AD, he assumed power in the eastern part of the Empire, threatened by the Sassanids and internal divisions. Like his father, he played a funda...
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