The decorative frieze of the Temple of Heracles is a precious testimony that expresses the joy and liveliness of the sacred buildings of Akragas: the ornamentation was a decorated line that flowed around the entire temple, completed below by a red strip accompanied by a small blue slab at each trigl...
The Temple of Demeter is located on the Rupe Atenea, the highest point of ancient Akragas. When admiring the structure from the back, you'll take in the sight of the apse, which rests on the ancient ruins of the Greek temple, creating an unusual contrast between ancient and modern.
The place is a ...
MiC – Ministero della Cultura
Legge 77/2006 - Misure Speciali di Tutela e Fruizione dei Siti Italiani di Interesse Culturale, Paesaggistico e Ambientale, inseriti nella “Lista Del Patrimonio Mondiale”, posti sotto la Tutela dell’ UNESCO Regione Siciliana.
Assessorato dei Beni Culturali e dell’Identità Siciliana, Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali e dell’Identità Siciliana.
Parco archeologico della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento.