
Creating warmth with a chisel

The refined drapes of the togati statues are the first element we notice. There is an apparent sensation of soft wool or cotton togas, delicate to the touch while supporting a body in movement. In reality, they were carved into blocks of white marble, which is smooth and cold to the touch: the u...
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The patriarchs of the Valley

Between one building and another in the garden of the Valley of the Temples, it is easy to find thousand-old olive trees that silently watch the events unfold. Their gnarled, rough and often twisted trunks seem to guard and convey a timeless story....
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Before body creams

In the most important thermal baths of the city, such as those of Caracalla, there were rooms where only fighters would go to sprinkle their skin with ceroma. This was a substance made of oil and wax, fundamental to soften the skin, and a powder that made it rougher, in contrast to the oiliness of...
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Feel exquisite decorations with your hand

In the Italic terra sigillata tableware found in the domus of Agrigento there are some very fine decorations obtained with the rolling method: wide rows of engravings that initially appeared only on a band in the inner base of plates, later became more and more widespread and numerous, including on ...
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The effect of time on the columns

The columns of the Temple of Heracles that we can still see tower high and majestic towards the sky. On their shaft you can still see traces of the smooth plaster coating, which contrasts with the porous consistency of the Agrigento limestone. If you slide your hand across the columns, you can stil...
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The shapes of the Telamons

If you look closely at the Akragas telamons you will notice that these huge statues were formed of several blocks of stone stacked on top of each other. In ancient times this was not so evident: originally, you could slide your hand over these mammoth sculptures and barely feel the transition from...
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The ancient trunks of the Patriarchs of the Valley

Between one building and another in the garden of the Valley of the Temples, it is easy to find centuries-old olive trees that silently watch the events unfold. Their gnarled, rough and often twisted trunks seem to stand guard and tell a timeless story: when caressing their bark, you can sense how...
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