
The divine light

The smell of wax wafts through the sacred area of the apse. The candles take their place in the central apse, near and on the altar, and are the symbol of the Light of God. The precious Paschal candle, which represents Jesus Light of the World, is also lit during Easter time. The candle from Cefalù...
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Prothesis and Diaconicon: two spaces for liturgical rites

The medieval church had the apse area as its only liturgical space. In smaller religious buildings, the apse had two small lateral service rooms for the safekeeping of sacred books and preparing the liturgy. In larger churches and cathedrals, these areas were enlarged, as in the case of the Cefalù ...
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The splendour of the Pantocrator

The interior of the spaces of the presbytery area and the transept correspond to the volume, as designed by Roger's original project. The difference between this part of the building and the other, consisting of the aisles, is the large triumphal arch, visible in its original height, on the transept...
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The sweet melody of the organs

In the Basilica of Cefalù, there are two pipe organs that are currently being restored. The organs were placed in the choir lofts, resting on four small columns, in the first inter-column on the south and north sides of the central aisle. The first organ can be credited to Raffaele and dates back t...
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Columns, sculptures, precious marbles: the decorations of the hall

Walking on the floor of the hall, made of limestone basalt and consisting of stone elements from different quarries, including the lumachella extracted from the Rocca di Cefalù, we can see, in the aisles, some funerary and sculptural movements that embellished the Church in the centuries following ...
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The decorations of the aisles

the walls of the aisles, still unfinished pending a mosaic decoration which was never carried out, were designed and embellished, according to 18th-century style, with the insertion of a number of chapels with wall decorations consisting of friezes, pilasters, frames and stucco sculptures of classic...
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The scent of incense spreads through the space

Entering the interior of the Temple of Roger, starting from the Porta Regum on an upward path towards the apsidal basin, we are enveloped by the spicy scent of incense that wafts through the basilica-like space of the Cathedral. The atmosphere, too, is charged with symbolic elements that invite us t...
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The Path to Salvation Begins

After gathering in the square and sadly walking down the steps, the faithful pass through the royal gate, or Porta Regum, and enter the timeless and pathos-filled atmosphere of the Cefalù Cathedral. The chatter outside contrasts with the absolute and spiritual silence that reigns inside the buildin...
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Magister Ambrosius of Como

Hands feel the coldness of the stone as they graze the front elevation of the Cathedral. Restored at the end of the 15th century, it houses the protruding body of the tetra-style portico, made by the magister Ambrosius da Como. It is subdivided into three large arches, two lateral pointed arches and...
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A fortress church

The main façade, rising to the west, is enclosed between two imposing square towers with a pyramid-shaped apex. They are a reminder of its original function as Ecclesia Munita, a fortress church, with a series of multi-level walkways, now uncovered, built within the thickness of the walls, connecti...
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