
The scent of incense spreads through the space

Entering the interior of the Temple of Roger, starting from the Porta Regum on an upward path towards the apsidal basin, we are enveloped by the spicy scent of incense that wafts through the basilica-like space of the Cathedral. The atmosphere, too, is charged with symbolic elements that invite us t...
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Fragrances from the garden

The garden does not contain flowers, which are instead carved into the stone of the capitals, but, divided into four parts, it is an oasis for four "biblical" plants: the fig, the pomegranate, the olive and the palm. The first two plants, the fig and the pomegranate, refer to the Old Testament, as t...
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The atmosphere of the presbytery

Looking back over the centuries, one naturally wonders about the atmosphere that permeated this place, introduced by the long rows of columns in the central aisle, which accompany the eye in an ever tighter succession of pointed arches, culminating in the central apse with the grandiose image of the...
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Spicy scent of incense

Entering the sacred building from the main west-facing portal, which William II of Hauteville dedicated to the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is an invitation to participate in the most impenetrable expression of the infinite, through a pathway steeped in art that calls at the same time for pr...
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Scent of spices and colours

New fruit trees such as cedars, lemons and oranges were introduced to the endless green expanses of the flourishing Palermo plain as part of a diverse cultivation system. In addition to the pleasant view enhanced by a rich palette of colours, there was no shortage of the spicy scents of cinnamon, cl...
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