
The “cuccìa” for Saint Lucia

When St. Lucy is celebrated, a table in Syracuse is not complete without the cuccia: a typical Sicilian dessert made with boiled wheat and sheep's milk ricotta or white or chocolate cream.These ingredients are combined with candied fruit, cinnamon, chocolate chips and grated orange rind. Today made ...
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Wine and “appetizers” during the symposium

During the symposium, unlike at the banquet, wine was drunk in abundance accompanied by tastings of typical Greek food: cheese, olives, dried or exotic fruits and salty or spicy appetizers. Young cup bearers mixed wine and water in large jars, often outside the symposium rooms, and put the liquid i...
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Culinary practices and the spirit of sacrifice: mageiros

During the sacrifice, the figure of the chef (mageiros) was fundamental. The mageiros held the role of butcher and sacrificer. Their work involved the trade of meat, killing the victim, and preparing the food. Of these three roles, the cook was undoubtedly the most familiar: the mageiros would...
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The ‘Nfigghiulata of the village of Sortino

'Nfigghiulata means "wrapped." The puff pastry is wrapped around itself, after being stuffed, to create a very appetising loaf. According to tradition, wild lesser calamint, oil, garlic and chilli are used as a condiment. Sometimes cheese is added, such as ricotta, tuma and pecorino. Blended toge...
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The “cuccìa”, a dessert for Saint Lucia

On the days when the city's patron saint, St. Lucy, is celebrated, a table in Syracuse is not complete without the cuccìa: a typical Sicilian dessert made with boiled wheat and sheep's milk ricotta or white or chocolate cream. These ingredients are combined with candied fruit, cinnamon, chocolate ...
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Kashrut: the food of the Jewish communities

Kashrut (which in Hebrew literally means "fit", i.e. for consumption) indicates, in the common sense, the suitability of a food to be consumed according to the dietary rules of the Jewish religion established in the Torah. Food that meets the requirements of kashrut is said to be kosher. The Torah ...
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The gladiatoria sagina, the gladiators’ diet

Within the familiae managed by "ludisti", the gladiators followed the gladiatoria sagina: a satisfactory diet, evidently aimed at improving their physical performance. This diet included many plants such as legumes, grains, onions, garlic, fennel seeds, fruit and dried figs, and was poor in meat bu...
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The “giuggiulena”, a typical Syracusan dessert

Giuggiulena is not just a typical building material. The word also indicates a delicious dessert from Syracuse: a crunchy nougat made with honey, sugar, an almond filling and sesame seeds, shaped like a diamond or a rectangle. ...
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The refrigerium: feeding the dead

Through the underground tunnels it is possible to find some tombs with a unique appearance, covered by slabs with three holes on the surface. You can immediately sense the sacral power and beauty of an ancient rite: the refrigerium, literally meaning "refreshment", i.e. the funeral banquet ceremon...
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The banquets at the court of Frederick II

The Suevian sovereign often indulged in "convivial meetings". Not rich feasts, but refined dinners attended by musicians, writers and masters of construction. During the banquets, poetry, art and music were discussed. Game on the spit was often served, particularly hare and lark. Wild boar, which ...
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