
21 cannon shots

The feast of San Sebastiano is an important moment for all worshippers and the whole country. Citizens gather together to honour the patron saint. Every year on 10th August at 8:15 am, twenty-one cannon shots precede the departure of the bread cart, accompanied by music, for the traditional collect...
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The listening masks

The masks of Palazzo Napolino Tommasi Rosso have been watching over Via Francesco Crispi for centuries and have witnessed the passage from one era to another, right to the present day. If they could tell us what they have seen and heard, they would prove how much the world has changed. Never takin...
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A small monumental organ

Songs and notes accompany the celebrations as they did centuries ago. The organ is made of wood, small in size, and placed above the entrance. Made in the second half of the 18th century, it is one of the few still working. The music of those who still know how to play the instrument enchants and ...
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The noises of a bygone era

The corbels of Palazzo La Rocca are a memory from a bygone era, especially the balcony with the flute and tenor mandola players, which brings to mind the sweet melodies played at the great parties held at the Palazzo, one of the most important events for the aristocracy. Delicate sounds accompanied ...
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Angelic song

On 24 June 1858 the church resounded with festivities. The great organ was inaugurated, with more than three thousand pipes and a gigantic wooden cantoria (a structure built to house the choir). We can only imagine the sweet sound that accompanied that moment. The organ still works today and can b...
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Listening was important

With a little imagination you can return to 1800 when the church was still used by the nuns and you could listen to the liturgical celebrations. Worshippers and the nuns attended mass. But there was a problem! The nuns could not be seen by anyone because they lived in seclusion. So how did they a...
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Sound on

The feast for the Holy Saviour of Militello involves its citizens and also attracts inhabitants from nearby villages and tourists: everyone is invited! During the celebrations the most diverse sounds can be heard: cannon shots announcing the approaching feast; bells ringing to alert citizens of th...
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A sound to accompany prayer

It's 1790 and you're inside the church of St. Benedict, attending one of the services... You can hear something... what is it? The organ! With a sound alternating between gentle and low, it accompanies prayer as impressed worshippers celebrate Holy Mass. Then the bells announce the end of the ser...
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Singing and prayer

The life of the Benedictine monks followed the strict rule of Ora et Labora (Pray and Work). The days were organised into a series of activities: prayer, work and study. Nor were the monks exempt from prayer at night or early in the morning; they gathered in the night-time chapel, the "night cho...
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The singing of the Benedictines

On the Feast of St. Agatha, the saint's statue is carried around the city streets in procession. The long route takes us in front of the church of San Giuliano (St. Julian), where the devout Benedictine nuns, hidden behind the grilles, hear prayers, honour the Saint and take part in one of the most...
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