Learning paths


The paths presented in the context of the #SmartEducationUnescoSicilia project, address thematic contents relating to the Unesco Sites of Sicily, with the use of universally accessible and inclusive technologies and languages, created with the fruitful collaboration of the CNR – Institute for Didactic Technologies and the Institute Chiossone ONLUS for the blind and visually impaired of Genoa and of the ISS, Istituto Statale Deaf of Rome.
The understanding of the archaeological, artistic and naturalistic peculiarities of the Assets entered in the World Heritage List, is anticipated by two introductory videos, also accessible to a deaf public, linked to each of the two itineraries drawn up for each Site.
The texts are divided into three different levels of reading, from general to particular, accompanied by a series of insights, in the form of hyper-texts, preceded by specific icons that contextualize the topic. At the end of each single stage of each path, the explanation is enriched with descriptions that evoke the 5 senses, amplifying the immersive context of the story.
The itineraries are also presented with the aid of Augmentative Alternative Communication aimed at a synthetic, universally accessible, content acquisition.
For each UNESCO Site, Valley of the Temples of Agrigento, Aeolian Islands, Late Baroque cities of the Val di Noto, Mount Etna, Arab-Norman Palermo, Syracuse and the Necropolis of Pantalica, Villa del Casale in Piazza Armerina, two different itineraries have been produced , also referring to different types of assets, developing the theme linked to the title of the course. The texts, although prepared for the widest dissemination, for educational purposes, for the last two years of Primary School, lower secondary school and upper secondary school, can be easily used by travelers, to discover the Heritage Cultural, also through the application of an App connected to the WEB Site.