Torre del Filosofo

Torre del Filosofo: at the base of the summit craters (2950 metres)

In previous centuries there was not much perception of the real risk associated with the presence of a volcano like Etna. For this reason, shelters were built at different altitudes on the volcano, even in areas where today no one would ever think of building something.
The oldest refuge was found at an altitude of 2920 metres, at the base of the summit craters, on a small hill called Torre del Filosofo. It is said that the ruins of this refuge, now completely covered over by recent lava, were those of the shelter of the philosopher Empedocles, which is where this area took its name. In addition to the various shelters built in the Etnean caves, used by travellers from all over Europe until the end of 1700, between the late 19th and 20th century, others were built on Etna at every height.
La Casa Inglese
One of the historical buildings beyond the Etna Observatory on the upper north-eastern flank is “La Casa degli Inglesi” (House of the English).
In 1804, the scholar Mario Gemmellaro had a modest hut built at his own expense on the plateau adjacent to the ruins of the Torre del Filosofo and named it “La Gratissima”. His brother Carlo, who was also a doctor in the service of the British fleet stationed in Messina, had the chance in 1811 to accompany some of His Majesty’s officers on an excursion to the crater and to offer them lodging at La Gratissima. Grateful and fascinated by the trip, they offered to build a larger and more comfortable building next to the first one, which was called “Casa degli Inglesi” (House of the English) in their memory. It was then used for over half a century.
crateri da Torre del Filosofo
In 1960, a refuge was built dedicated to Empedocles, a philosopher from Agrigento, and the area was also named after him. . This refuge was subsequently modernised and used as a base for scholars from all over the world throughout the late 20th century, before being partially buried by the eruptive flows of 2001. After this event, only part of the roof and the antennas mounted on it remained visible. After the 2002-03 eruption, all traces of it disappeared.

The Grand Tour in Sicily

The senses tell The Summit craters

The continuous evolution of the Etna summit craters

Empedocles and his passion for Etna

The senses tell The Etna viewpoint

The senses tell Acicastello and Acitrezza

The 2001 eruption of Mount Etna, where the approach to volcanoes changed

Etna, an ever-changing natural laboratory

The Red Mountains and the destructive eruption of 1669

An ever-evolving volcano

The senses tell The Red Mountains

Lachea Island and the Aci Trezza Stacks

Etna: a marvellous group of microclimates and vegetation

Etna, the living mountain

The senses tell Valle del Leone


Acireale and reconstruction after the 1693 earthquake

Torre del Filosofo: at the base of the summit craters (2950 metres)

Etna, wine terroir of excellence

The senses tell Val Calanna

The fault system of the “Timpe” of Acireale

Why did Etna form in that specific geographical position?

Humankind and the volcano: how should we behave? Volcanic risk

The eruption of 1928 that destroyed the town of Mascali

Volcanic monitoring and eruption forecasting

The first Etnean volcanic events between Aci Castello and Aci Trezza

The different names of the “Muntagna”

The Elliptical, the first great volcano of Etna

The Jaci river

The senses tell Torre del Filosofo

Summit crater activity between 2011 and 2019

The “notches” of snow

The senses tell Acireale

A fauna context yet to be discovered

Val Calanna, the first step towards a single large volcanic structure

Valle del Leone and the Elliptical

The 1669 eruption in Catania

The earthquake that changed the geography of eastern Sicily in 1693

Acireale and its “timpe”

The Etna viewpoint