Apsidal hall known as "hall of Arion"

Sea Creatures

The scene of the myth of Arion takes place in the centre of the Hall.
A cornice depicts on several registers a marine thiasos , one of the most recurrent themes in ancient iconography, especially reproduced in the mosaics of seascapes, images that refer to ideal landscapes, often present in other rooms of the Villa del Casale.The marine procession is populated by ichthyocentaurs , tritons , nereids and an innumerable variety of sea and land animals, including some cherubs . The figure of Arion stands out in the centre of the composition, covered by a mantle, playing his cithara and riding a dolphin. Above him are two flying cherubs stretching out a drape that continues on to the drapery of one of the nymphs lying on the rocks and listening to his music.Other mythical beings, including a sea monster, animate the waters of this large marine painting, depicted with waves marked by straight or zigzag lines.
In the apse area, which can be assumed to have hosted the beds for the triclinium, there is a monumental figure of Oceanus , the father of all waters, surrounded by rich marine fauna reminiscent of numerous North African examples.

A large banquet hall

The composition of the spaces

The room of the seasons

The public rooms of the Villa

The Mansio, a stopping place

The Peristyle of the Villa

The layout of the rooms

Date Clues

The Mansio of Sophiana

The Latifundium

A dignified setting dedicated to the myth of Arion

The myth of Orpheus

Pars Fructuaria e Pars Rustica

A decoration that marks time

A room dedicated to the sea