Quadrangular Peristyle

The Ambulatory Decorations

The decoration that appears along the walls of the porticoed corridor is made up of fragmentary frescoes , superimposed on plaster fragments with floral decorations dating back to an earlier period. On the southern side, next to the entrance to the Diæta di Orfeo , are the best preserved parts of the fresco, where it is possible to find a decoration depicting a line of armed men, whose feet, the base of their spear and their coloured oval shields, some also complete with umbone , can be seen. This type of decoration, which probably alludes to military events in the Dominus’ career, can also be seen on the right wall of the vestibule and recalls the signum painted on the right pillar of the monumental entrance portal .

The composition of the spaces

The Mansio, a stopping place

Pars Fructuaria e Pars Rustica

The Latifundium

The myth of Orpheus

A dignified setting dedicated to the myth of Arion

The public rooms of the Villa

The Mansio of Sophiana

The Peristyle of the Villa

Date Clues

A decoration that marks time

The room of the seasons

The layout of the rooms

A room dedicated to the sea

A large banquet hall