Context - The territory

The late antiquity residence: Locus Amoenus and Administrative Centre in the heart of Sicily

The Villa Romana del Casale in Piazza Armerina, by the unique nature of its architecture, is considered one of the most eloquent examples of state homes from the late antiquity.Situated on the slopes of Monte Mangone and lightly lapped by the waters of the Gela river, the Roman domus, built between the first and second half of the 3rd century AD on the remains of a rustic villa , is the pars dominica of a larger latifundium connected to the mansio, a safe refuge for travellers, situated in the Sofiana quarter.The articulated layout of its rooms follows the context assumed by the countryside in the economy of the 4th century AD, where complex structures flourished and became genuine administrative centres for agriculture.

The Mansio of Sophiana

The myth of Orpheus

The Peristyle of the Villa

The room of the seasons

A decoration that marks time

Pars Fructuaria e Pars Rustica

The layout of the rooms

A room dedicated to the sea

A dignified setting dedicated to the myth of Arion

The public rooms of the Villa

A large banquet hall

Date Clues

The composition of the spaces

The Latifundium

The Mansio, a stopping place