Quadrangular Peristyle

The Peristyle of the Villa

In the Villa del Casale the peristyle plays a significant role in connecting the various rooms; it has a planimetric dimension of around 30 by 20 metres, and is quadrangular in shape. The colonnaded portico that surrounds it connects, to the north, the area of private and service apartments.The ascending route, in the southern area, gives access through a passageway to the rooms connected to the triclinium and the xystus ; along this path on the portico there is the Diæta di Orfeo , a reception room perhaps intended for music, followed by an antechamber connected to the palestrite, a room named after the mosaic that decorates it.On the south side, the portico is in direct relation to the vestibule ; in this part there are two small spaces, the first connected to the small private latrine, reserved for the inhabitants of the Domus, the second allows access to the thermal baths through a passageway that, with the help of some steps, solves the difference in height with the underlying biapsidal hall . Of note on the north side is another more refined room, whose entrance, like the Diæta di Orfeo, is highlighted by two columns.
This room is the Diæta della Piccola Caccia, a dining room dedicated to the Dominus and his family.On the eastern side the width of the portico is reduced, due to the presence of three steep staircases that with a few steps solve the difference in height to reach the great ambulatory , named the Great Hunt after the mosaic decorations represented here, a corridor around 60 metres long that concludes the private apartments and gives access to the great basilica .In the centre of the peristyle there is a large pool of mixed typology between a fountain and a natatio, i.e. a swimming pool; the floor of the atrium, as well as the external edges of the fountain, was covered with marble slabs, as found during recent restorations. As was customary, the whole room was embellished with plants, decorated with topiary art , resting places and statues.

The Peristyle of the Villa

The Mansio, a stopping place

The composition of the spaces

Date Clues

The Latifundium

A dignified setting dedicated to the myth of Arion

The Mansio of Sophiana

The layout of the rooms

A room dedicated to the sea

Pars Fructuaria e Pars Rustica

The public rooms of the Villa

A large banquet hall

A decoration that marks time

The room of the seasons

The myth of Orpheus