Monumental entrance

The senses tell the monumental entrance

a monumental portal

The sumptuous three-arched entrance to the Late Antique residence must have thrilled those who entered because of the multitude of colours that enriched it, starting with the bright colours of the plasterwork decorated with geometric mirrors in imitation marble, which recalled the high rank of the dominus. Those entering through the side entrances were observed by the pairs of frescoed figures. Even the two symmetrical fountains, placed between the large central and lateral openings, restore part of the decorations on the outside, simulating lively marble slabs in contrast to the whiteness of the interior mosaics, surmounted by an elegant decoration with plant racemes and birds. A number of guards, the ianitores, watched over the entrances through which those who had to make their way to the great hall where the dominus held his audience, the Basilica, or to other places such as the public baths and the vestibule, entered. The surrounding wall of the villa could be seen, even from a distance, rising in the latifundium, inhabited by the houses of the settlers.

reflected voices

As we approach the majestic building, of which monumental remains can still be seen, we get the impression, even today, of hearing the voices of the guards who watched over the entrance and the sound of the hooves of the horses that entered the villa in the retinue of the dominus, identifiable in the frescoes on the eastern wall that encloses the square. From the niches above the two rectangular fountains, which are now only attached to the piers and Ionic columns, we can still hear the constant sound of the water flowing into the basins and animating, with its reflection, the plant shoots inhabited by birds that decorate the interior.


The air is still imbued with the intoxicating scent of the resin from the trees which, since the 4th century A.D., have provided shade for the vast latifundium caressed by the slow passing of the seasons. In front of the monumental entrance, wagons carrying products such as wine, wheat, oil and fruit to nearby warehouses must have permeated the atmosphere with pleasant aromas from the harvest.

Solid materials for an elegant construction

Touching the remains of the limestone ashlars of the sumptuous architecture, the residual plaster and the mosaic tiles of the basins, can give us an idea of the consistency of the materials used for this imposing construction, showing the high rank of its owner.

The senses tell the massage room

The senses tell the Sacellum of the Lares

A hidden meaning

The rural sacrifice

The senses tell the Tri-Apsed Triclinium

A small room used as a privileged entrance to the baths

The marble from the regions of the empire to decorate the basilica

A chariot race, set in the circus Maximus of Rome, connects the villa to the city and centre of power

The possible celebration of a solemn event

The prestige of the dominus is revealed through the wall frescoes

Outdoor breakfast

The catalogue of animals

An eloquent symbol: the signum

The Latifundium

The senses tell the Vestibule

The late antiquity residence: locus amoenus and centre of administrative activities in the heart of Sicily

The realistic depiction of a spa procession with a high-ranking female figure

A small room represents one of the activities of the thermal bath route

Worship of the Lares

The mansio of Philosophiana. A stopping place

Banquets and panegyrics enlivened the vast hall, against the background of a floor mosaic celebrating the feats of Hercules

The protagonists of the mosaics

High-ranking characters depicted in the mosaics of the apsidal niches of the frigidarium

The protagonists of the mosaic and the military themed frescoes

The senses tell the Quadrangular Peristyle

A day of hunting at the villa

Form of greeting or ritual?

The capture of wild animals for the roman amphitheatre games

The main nuclei of the Domus

The senses tell the Bi-Apsed room

Auspicious symbols and perhaps the initials of the commissioner’s name decorate the mosaic of the apsidal room

The senses tell the Basilica

An official ceremony to welcome the Dominus

The senses tell the bi-apsed ambulatory – Corridor of the “Great Hunt”

A view of the race from the imperial gallery

Is the profile of the dominus hidden among the scenes depicted in the mosaics?

The senses tell the monumental entrance

A royal room housed the Dominus during his audiences

The senses tell the frigidarium

A line of armed men for an important Dominus

The apotheosis of Hercules

A small room embellished with marble

Solemn and majestic architecture to welcome a high-ranking commissioner

An individual who has attracted the attention of scholars

A dialogue between mythological and realistic scenes

An organic microcosm: the structure of the villa

The senses tell the room in the private apartment known as “small hunt”

The senses tell the private entrance to the spa

The astral interpretation of the mosaic

The paths of virus, a reflection of the Dominus

The golden age: hypotheses about the villa’s period of construction and clues

The mosaics of the late antiquity residence

Semi-public rooms

The public and private rooms of the villa

A large colonnaded portico, a place of connection between the rooms