Hall of the private apartment know as the diæta of the "small hunt"

Two columns mark the entrance to an important room

The large and imposing entrance of this room distinguishes it from the rooms preceding it on the north portico of the peristyle .
The quadrangular room is decorated with columns at the entrance, not an apse, confirming that its function, likely a dining room or winter living space, was both public and private. The more discreet tone compared to other reception places is underlined by the absence of marble slabs on the walls.
The mosaic floor describes a series of scenes unfolding on five registers, of extreme and lively realistic synthesis, which present the commissioner of the villa with his family and servants on a hunting trip with dogs.
The importance given to hunting is testified by many literary texts, especially written in imperial times, in which it is shown as the celebration of certain aspects of virtus, related to the exaltation of strength and cunning. This activity was practised both as a moment of leisure for the owners of the latifundia, and as a function to supply animals for the shows that took place in the Flavian Amphitheatre  in Rome.

Date Clues

The composition of the spaces

The Latifundium

The public rooms of the Villa

The Mansio of Sophiana

The Peristyle of the Villa

Pars Fructuaria e Pars Rustica

The myth of Orpheus

The layout of the rooms

The Mansio, a stopping place

A room dedicated to the sea

A large banquet hall

A decoration that marks time

A dignified setting dedicated to the myth of Arion

The room of the seasons