The Neapolis

The cultural significance of tragedy

Since its primitive stages, humankind has tried to overcome its fear of natural elements using dance and song.
These rites already involved two of the founding elements of theatre: gesture and mime. With the birth of Greek theatre, the space in which the performance took place was born, as was the theatrical performance connected to the text and the playwright. Its social importance is evident if you take into account the care and architectural commitment poured into the construction of theatres, as is the case for the Greek Theatre in Syracuse, and in the creation of ancient costumes and  masks .
The nature and history of tragedy are found in previous traditions: epic poetry and lyric poetry, from which derive the expressive tools such as metre, and the content of purely mythological nature.
The theatre experience  was a moment when a drama was shared by the whole city and therefore the purpose of the tragedy was not merely spectacular.
The first element of the performance was in fact pain: the suffering of a struggling hero faced with the challenges of his existence was performed.
Another typical element of the plot of tragedy was the character’s deciding moment, faced with two equally painful possibilities, highlighting the concept of humanity’s freedom and its limitations at the same time. The third fundamental element in the development of Greek tragedy was in fact fate: though Greek people appeared to have free will, on the other hand there were external inescapable forces, such as the will of the gods or constraints imposed by the community.
According to the Greek philosopher Aristotle , Greek tragedy produced in its audience a form of purification called catharsis , which could take on a magical, psychological or medical value

The architecture of the Piazza

The Altar of Hieron II: Blood and fire place

Where seas and civilisations meet

Ortygia. Venus rising from the waters of the port

Roman Syracuse, a military power thanks to the genius of Archimedes

Syracuse during the tyranny of Dionysius

The Athenaion of the tyrant Gelon

The Senatorial Palace

The Dionysian Walls: a masterpiece of Greek engineering

The functions of Castello Maniace

The Church of San Giovanni alle Catacombe

The Euryalus Fortress

Piazza del Duomo, a sacred place of the ancient Greeks

The Cathedral of Syracuse

Legends and magic echoes in the Latomie of Syracuse

Traces of Christianity in Syracuse

The Roman Amphitheatre

The Venationes

Inside the Cathedral of Ortygia

Castello Maniace

Temple of Apollo

Neapolis from past to present

The Culture of Pantalica

The Church of St. Lucia to the Abbey

The cultural significance of tragedy

King Hyblon’s kingdom: Pantalica, between history and legend

Crypt of San Marciano

The Jews, a wandering people

The catacombs of San Giovanni

The Greek Theatre of Syracuse

Giudecca, the hidden Jewish heart of Syracuse

The Ear of Dionysius and the Grotta dei Cordari

Pantalica: where nature and history merge

The Museion and the Grotta del Ninfeo

Byzantine Pantalica

The Gladiator performances

The Spanish fortification